Hangin owt on ‘Da Deck’

We has a big yard at ar hows now, grrrate fur runrunrunnin an chasin bunnys an ebil skweruls. Wen we ar dun doin dat, we like tu hang owt on ar grate big deck so we can see ifn anyting is owt dare tu chase.

Mom sez we look reely purty cuz she brushded us. Byrdie thot she wuz gunna be nekkid, but all a my nu furs stayed put. Mom sez I look like a puppy with all the fuzzy furs I gots.

Tanks fur lookin! Bea

Comments (2)

  1. Anonymous

    Hi Ellen, Bea & Byrdie,
    just got done checking out your website, man it's very nice, full of good info and love the blog from Bea & Byrdie too. Thanks for sharing with me.

    Dianne, Cookie & Issa & Gidget

  2. Bea and Byrdie (Post author)

    Thanks Dianne! Nice of you to drop by and take a look around!


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